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May 2012 – An article by supportIT was featured in the Summer edition of Le Chéile, Ireland’s magazine for the community and voluntary sector.

Tech Talk: Is Cloud Technology the Best Solution for Your organisation.

le cheile

A hot topic at the moment, Cloud technology provides IT resources (file share, email, print server) on a rental basis and is charged based on the levels of resources consumed and the amount of users. To date Microsoft is the main provider of Cloud technology with their Office 365 offering, but there are others on the market like Amazon, Google Apps & Drop Box that all provide different types of Cloud services. With any new technology, it is very difficult to be objective because you are bombarded with extreme marketing by the providers on one side and, sometimes misguided, opinion on the other. As IT service providers, it is our job to be as objective as possible when recommending these new technologies to our clients because we want to suit their short terms needs, but also their long term requirements. Below are questions we get asked by clients over and over again when they are trying to evaluate whether or not to go with Cloud technology:

Click here to view the full article (page 21)

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