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Keynote Speaking

With over 25 years of working in the IT industry Joe McGivern has developed an understanding of how Information Technology should support business rather than a necessary evil. He has created several engaging IT-related presentations that have enlightened and educated many companies and organisations in Ireland.

Each presentation is tailored to the audience concerning the level of detail, technicality and the nature of the audience’s industries, seniority and job titles. The content is the ideal technology subject matter for business groups, chambers of commerce, and institutions.

Let's talk...

If you would like to talk to us about a keynote presentation to your company, organisation or institution, please email us at or Low-Call 1800 887 818.

SME Cyber Security Masterclass

Ideal presentation for SME business owners, and office managers who want to hear about the best IT Security technology and best-practices. 45 minute interactive presentation.

Top ten must do’s to protect your business from cyber-attack

Follow these ten tips and learn about how you can protect your IT infrastructure from a cyber-attack. 30 minute presentation.

Reviewing your Cyber Insurance from an IT perspective

Cutting through the Cyber Insurance application process and optimising your insurance protection. 30 minute presentation.

How to protect your business data

This presentation is designed for any business that gathers or stores data and would like to learn more about data protection. 30 minute presentation.

All our presentations include the option of a live Q&A and can be shortened or made more elaborate depending on the time available and the audience.

Keynote speaking and presentations are available in person or virtually.

Let's talk...

Find out how we can support your business, email us at or Low-Call 1800 887 818.

6 good reasons
why you should provide us with your IT support contract renewal date

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