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Since the start of COVID-19 there has been a 5-fold increase in cyber-attacks; 50% of small businesses have experienced an attack in the form of email scams, 61% of those attacked were not able to operate and the average cost of a breach is 40K*. End-users are being attacked because they are more vulnerable while working from home; they are separated from their colleagues and often using more vulnerable technology. Also, a reliance on technology during the pandemic has created more opportunities for hackers – technology can easily be used to impersonate.

To respond to the ever-evolving threat landscape, supportIT have added new Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) solutions to their email security suite. A more strategic and dynamic approach, ATP solutions block attempts to attack your network through inbound/outbound email in real-time. Security policies can be defined at individual and department level to meet the specific needs of your business. Features also include, checking the reputation of the sender against known malicious IP addresses, checking links contained in emails and detecting fake email algorithms to prevent spear phishing. Users can choose to release suspicious emails themselves once checked and verified.  Prevent costly security breaches with Advanced Threat Protection.

‘Sadly, Anti-Virus products alone are not enough protection. Anti-virus is designed to protect your machine if you accidentally download a threat through your web-browser or from an external device, it will not protect your email from spam or phishing attempts. In light of the current spike in cyber-attacks we encourage all our clients to review their security at every level. Book a call with one of the consultancy team and we can assist,’ Joe McGivern, CEO, supportIT.

supportIT are Security and Network Management specialists. Visit here for more information

*Source: Topsec Cloud Security

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